Economic Justice Working Group


We propose to launch a new DSOV working group - Organizing for Economic justice. The group would meet regularly to discuss models / case studies of organizing (current and historical) on different issues of economic justice. The intentions of these regular discussions would be to build a shared vision for an economic justice campaign of our own within DSOV. 

In so doing we hope to strengthen DSOV as an organization, raise expectations in our communities for what working class people deserve, and win concrete gains. 

Some examples we may draw on -  OCAP, Parkdale tenants, BRU LA, Cooperation Jackson, among others. Our hope is to build a working group that’s welcoming and imbued with a spirit of creative resistance.

The working group met over a period of 6 weeks to plan and implement a Commemoration for the 619 people who perished during the 2021 Heat Dome event in BC. Follow the actions and learn about our three demands on the website

Join the working group channel on our DSOV Discord or email us at