Strength in Unity Assembly


Strength in Unity: Socialist, Anticapitalist, and Environmentalist Co-operative Assembly

Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm September 13th, 2020

Location: Invite Only Via Zoom

Moderators: Gene McGuckin and Yvonne Hanson

We are a group of socialists, anticapitalists, and environmentalists who are trying to coordinate a large conference call on September 13th, which we're hoping will provide an opportunity for like-minded leftist groups to get together in one digital space and devise a strategy to pool our resources and start working in concert to make some serious change. We are hoping that you or anyone else involved in your group would be interested in attending to represent your group in this discussion.

AGENDA (Draft)

Housekeeping (2 min)

-Mute mics upon entry and keep them muted

-Yvonne will hold everyone to their time- please RESPECT the speaking time allotted to you.

-If possible, include the name of the group(s) you represent beside your nickname when you join the chat.

-Put a star in the chat when you would like to speak.

-Small questions/ clarifying questions (I didn’t hear x, etc) can be typed in the chat.

-If multiple members of the same group have spoken multiple times, other groups may be prioritized to ensure everyone is given adequate representation in the discussion. 

-we will be collaborating on a google doc- the link will be distributed in the chat.

Introductions (15 min)

-State your name, pronouns, the group(s) that you are representing, and a project/ cause they are working on right now (1.5 min speaking time each)

Google Doc Exercise (15 min) 

-In the google doc, please state the name of your group, the core values of the group, and the most commonly used tactics/ strategies (ie. newspaper, protests, electoral, direct action, etc)

Discussion: Strategies to unify the socialist left (35 min) 

-We want to avoid discussing conflicts and barriers. The topic is UNITY, not division. Lets focus on what we agree upon as outlined in the google doc, and work from there. 

-Moderators may step in if things get heated

Plan to coordinate efforts (35 min) 

-Looking at what each group is working on and what each group values, which projects/ goals can we all start working together in in the short term? Long term? 

-What events are coming up that we can collaborate on?

Exchange contact info and plan the next call (15 min) 

-How do we want to communicate in the future? 

-What time/ date works well for those who are interested in continuing with this collaboration?

-Exchange contact info so we can all stay in touch. 


Strength in Unity Assembly Notes


DSV hits the ground running with first in-person meeting