Strength in Unity Assembly November

Strength in Unity: Socialist, Anticapitalist, and Environmentalist Co-operative Assembly

Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm November 15th, 2020

We are a group of socialists, anticapitalists, and environmentalists who are coordinating another conference call on November 15, which we're hoping will provide an opportunity for like-minded leftist groups to get together in one digital space and devise a strategy to pool our resources and start working in concert to make some serious change. We are hoping that you or anyone else involved in your group would be interested in attending to represent your group in this discussion.

If you have attended these Assemblies before, you don’t need to register. If you are new, please register your details and we’ll add you to the mailing list. Thank you.

AGENDA (Draft)

Housekeeping (2 min)

-Mute mics upon entry and keep them muted

-Yvonne Hanson will hold everyone to their time- please RESPECT the speaking time allotted to you.

-If possible, include the name of the group(s) you represent beside your nickname when you join the chat.

-Put a star in the chat when you would like to speak.

-Small questions/ clarifying questions (I didn’t hear x, etc) can be typed in the chat.

-we will be collaborating on a google doc- the link will be distributed in the chat.

Introductions (15 min)

- Elect a meeting chairperson

-State your name, pronouns, the group(s) that you are representing, and a project/ cause they are working on right now (1.5 min speaking time each)

Meeting Details

To Be Determined


If you’d like an issue added to the Agenda, please click here - >

Or email the DSV -


Strength in Unity Assembly December


Introducing the Thorn on Thursdays